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Social Contribution Activities


Blood Donation Activities

As a part of its social contribution activities for the past 30 years or so, the IDEC Group implements blood donation activities in the summer and winter, when the number of blood donors tends to decrease. As an enterprise that actively cooperates with blood donations, we are also registered as a Blood Donation Supporter. IDEC will continue to offer cooperation for activities for protecting lives through the implementation of periodic blood donation activities. "Blood Donation Supporter" … An enterprise or group that actively cooperates with blood donation in order to secure a stable supply of blood for use in medical care.

Giving December

"Giving December" is a monthly nationwide campaign through the coming together of a broad range of people involved in donations from NPOs, universities, corporations and government from December 1 to 31. IDEC has registered as a Giving December Partner since 2017. During Giving December, we conduct "ArigatoBon" campaign and so on to increase interest in donating and create opportunities for action among employees.

"ArigatoBon" Program

As a part of our CSR activities, the IDEC Group had participated in the "ArigatoBon" program run by the "Shinrai Shihon Zaidan" Public Interest Incorporated Foundation since 2013. "Gratitude Books" is a social contribution program that collects used books, CDs, games, and DVDs from home and office and donates them to the organization that manages the program, which redeems them and gives them to the recipient organization as grants. Although this project has ended in August 2022, IDEC continues to commit to social contribution activities with the aim of creating a society in which our individual efforts can solve social issues by converting things around us into donations.

Receiving of Foreign Technical Interns

The IDEC Group promotes diversity with the aim of realizing workplaces that are open to diverse human resources. Utilizing the Technical Intern Training Program of Japan International Training Cooperation Organization, we receive overseas employees from Vietnam, etc. as foreign technical interns and support their employment while teaching them skills, Japanese language and Japanese culture.