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Contribution to the International Society


Participation in Establishing International Standards for "Safety"

The IDEC Group has a wealth of experience and know-how based on the concept of HMI (Human Machine Interface), which aims to make points of contact between people and machines more comfortable and safer. Through development of products compatible with various overseas standards and participation in activities for establishing international safety standards, we dispatch numerous expert employees to international conferences and academic societies. They represent companies in Japan in conveying outstanding safety technologies to the world and contributing to the international society.

Clothes Donations

For children who lose their lives due to lack of vaccines, The IDEC Group donates old-design uniforms and clothing that are no longer worn and provides vaccines to children in developing countries through NPO “Japan Committee, Vaccines for the World's Children”,. We will confront the issues that the international society faces and take initiatives one by one from what we can do.


The IDEC Group has introduced the TABLE FOR TWO (hereinafter “TFT”) program in headquarters cafeteria since October 2018. When employees choose TFT meals in the cafeteria, 20 yen is donated to the non-profit TABLE FOR TWO International per meal. 10 yen is included in the menu prices and The IDEC group donates another 10 yen per meal through the matching gift system. The donation is used to support children in developing countries of Asia and Africa for the provision of their lunches through TFT. We have been certified as a "Gold Partner" by TFT for the support we have provided to date.